Thursday, May 7, 2015

I made this

Dear World,

I made this and I thought someone might be interested.

Publishing as a non-academic isn't easy, so I opted to publish myself.  Or you can consider this a public peer-review stage.  I just want to see if this is anything new and/or useful.

If this idea is novel and anyone is interested, I would love some help.  I'm closer to idiot savant than mathematician, so I have more questions than answers.

If this is something anyone is already aware of, I would appreciate it if you made me aware of it as well.

Here is a link to the paper (PDF)

Here is a link to the Mathematica Notebook

Here is a link to the fractal image (PNG)


1 comment:

  1. This may sound silly, but because of the shape of the corners, I immediately thought of a pillow; Maybe I'm up past my bedtime. It would be good if you had a layman's manual for less computer-literate people who still like their gaming. I understand a lot of it, I've certainly never seen anything like it; You've definitely breaking new ground!
